Policies and Procedures

Updated as on 26-January-2022

Figital Technologies Private Limited, a private limited company having its registered office at The Executive Zone, Sakthi Towers, 766, Annasalai, Chennai – 600 002 referred to as “Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” which owns and operates the website www.Ncash.ai and/or the mobile application ‘Ncaish’, “Gubair ONE” (collectively referred to as the “Platform”) is an AMFI registered Mutual Fund Distributor. For the purpose of this document, wherever its mentioned “Client”, “You” or “Your” shall mean any natural or legal person who has agreed to open an account or initiate the process of opening the account with Figital by providing their information while registering on the platform. Please read the following

Client(s) Information

  • The Company is required to carry out the Due Diligence of its client(s) on a continuous basis.
  • The Company shall ensure that key KYC parameters are updated on a continuous basis as prescribed by PFRDA, SEBI and the latest information of the client is updated in the UCC database of the Exchange.
  • Based on KYC and updated information the Company shall establish groups/ association amongst clients to identify multiple accounts / common account/ group of clients.
  • The monitoring of the aforementioned alerts and disposal procedure shall be done within 45 days of the alert generation.

Password Policy

The Clients are aware that in FIGITAL’s Online Investment System clients themselves can set the initial password/auto-login with Gmail Account at the time of opening account for that FIGITAL is aware of. The Clients are aware that subsequent passwords are not known or available to FIGITAL.

The Client shall be responsible for keeping the Username and Password confidential and secure and shall be solely responsible for all orders entered and transactions done by any person whosoever through FIGITAL’s Online Investment System using the Client’s Username and/or Password whether such person was authorized to do so.

The Client shall immediately inform FIGITAL of any unauthorized use of the Client’s Username or Password with full details of such unauthorized use including the date of such unauthorized use, the manner in which it was unauthorisedly used, the transactions effected pursuant to such unauthorized use, etc.

The Client acknowledges that he is fully aware of and understands the risks associated with availing of online investment services through internet including the risk of misuse and unauthorized use of his Username and/or Password by a third party and the risk of a person hacking into the Client’s account on FIGITAL’s Online Investment System and unauthorisedly routing orders on behalf of the Client through the System. The Client agrees that he shall be fully liable and responsible for any and all unauthorized use and misuse of his Password and/or Username and also for any and all acts done by any person through FIGITAL’s Online Investment System on the Client’s Username in any manner whatsoever.

Without prejudice to the provisions mentioned hereinabove, the Client shall immediately notify FIGITAL in writing with full details if he discovers or suspects unauthorized access through his Username, Password or Account, he notices discrepancies that might be attributable to unauthorized access, he forgets his password or he discovers a security flaw in FIGITAL’s Online Investment System.

Applicable Password Policy

  • The length of the password should be of min 8 characters.
  • The password shall be case sensitive and should contain at least one each of the following characters ( !@#$%&*)with no space
    • Password is alphanumeric.
    • Must have at least one character.
    • Character could be Uppercase: A to Z or Lowercase: a to z
    • Must have at least one digit: 0 to 9
  • The new password must be different from the last password.
  • Password can’t contain a username or email id.
  • User account shall be locked for 30 mins after 3 invalid login attempts.
  • Users can log in to the Web/Mobile App with his registered email ID provided  while onboarding.
  • User can auto-login the Web/Mobile App with his Gmail Account.

Information Security

FIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD systems are hosted at Amazon Webservices Cloud Platform(GCP) Mumbai and the data centres located in Mumbai.

At present we have a Production server and Backup server in place and both were synced together to get the data updated in the backup server on real-time. Also, the data is backed up through storage folder in a secure way, one copy of the backup on the same server itself, other copy in backup server & external media devices. Even we will take the backup of the SQL database on a daily basis and store it securely.
In the case of primary server failure then alternate communication will be carried from the secondary server and will continue the investment platform.

Recovery Procedures

Network failure: Our systems are hosted at the Amazon Webservices Cloud Platform(GCP) Mumbai and the data centres located in Mumbai with state-of-the-art redundancy measures. Every day we are taking a backup of database one copy in a database server itself and other copies are stored in backup server and external media device also for the need for restoration on need basis. The Database is restored from these copies on failure.ted at Digital Ocean, Bangalore with state of the art redundancy measures.

If there is a problem with the database when we can restore the database from the backup node to the server immediately and even if that backup system has a problem, we can restore the data from the external device.

System / hard disk failure: To avoid single points of failure we plan to run parallel servers which are running simultaneously thus adding redundancy, so that customer can be provided service with limited downtime delay.

Investor Grievances

Compliance Officer shall be the designated officer for handling the Investors Grievances and Client Complaints. The email ID you can write to in case you have any grievance is grievances@ncash.ai. The resolution of the Complaint shall be done at the earliest and the same shall be recorded in the register along with the date of resolution.

Refer to our partner, Livquik’s grievance policy – livquik.com/ppi/grievance-policy/